SYU(Gt)を中心に結成され関西を中心に活動の場を広げていた2001年にプロデューサー久武頼正と出会い、翌年IRON SHOCKレーベルよりデビュー・シングル“REBEL FLAG”をリリース。YUHKI(Key)が加入しバンドとしての体制を整えた2003年には1stアルバム“THE FLAG OF PUNISHMENT”でVAPよりメジャー・デビュー。
その新人離れしたクオリティでシーンに衝撃を与えた。2005年には2ndアルバム“ADVANCE TO THE FALL”、2006年には3rdアルバム“BEYOND THE END OF DESPAIR...”、そして初のライブDVD“LIVE FOR REBIRTH”を発表。
アルバムで聴かれる高水準な演奏をただ再現するだけではなく、ライブならではの熱気を伴ったパフォーマンスを世に知らしめる。その後2007年には4thアルバム“ONE FOR ALL-ALL FOR ONE”、2008年には二作目のライブDVD“LIVE FOR ALL-LIVE FOR ONE”とミニ・アルバム“ALSATIA / CAUSE DISARRAY”、そして5thアルバム“REINCARNATION”をリリース。2009年にはそれまでの活動の総決算とも言えるベスト・アルバム2枚(“BEST OF THE BRAVING DAYS”,“BEST OF THE AWAKENING DAYS”)を発表する。

 2010年には6thアルバム“RESURRECTION”をリリース。ミリオン・セラーのソロ・キャリアを持つ小野“SHO”正利をヴォーカリストに、そしてTAKA(Bs)を迎えての初作品であり、アルバム収録曲の“A FAR-OFF DISTANCE”が日本テレビ系アニメ「RAINBOW -二舎六房の七人-」のエンディング曲に起用される等の話題性もさる事ながら、凄まじいまでの完成度で国内HMシーンの話題作となる。発売記念ツアーのファイナルとなったSHIBUYA AX公演はライブDVD“LIVE IN THE MOMENT OF THE RESURRECTION”として作品化される。勢いづく彼等は2011年に7thアルバム“PHOENIX RISING”を、そして2012年には「ぱちんこCR 蒼天の拳」のテーマ曲「絆」をリーダー・トラックに据えたミニ・アルバム「絆」とライブDVD“PHOENIX LIVING IN THE RISING SUN”をリリース。同年7月にはシングル“HUNTING FOR YOUR DREAM” (日本テレビ系アニメ“HUNTER×HUNTER”エンディング曲)をリリース。バンドへの注目に拍車が掛かる中、満を持して発表された8thアルバム“ANGEL OF SALVATION”で彼らの人気は爆発し、オリコン・デイリー・チャートでは最高9位をマーク。近年のHMバンドの中ではトップ・クラスのヒットを記録した。

 メジャー・デビュー10周年にあたる2013年は、その1年を"MAJOR DEBUT 10th Anniversary"と銘打ち、バラエティに富んだ活動を展開。
過去ラインナップ時代の楽曲をリ・レコーディングしたセルフ・カヴァー・アルバム“THE IRONHEARTED FLAG"を2作("Vol. 1 : THE REGENERATION SIDE"と"Vol. 2 : REFORMATION SIDE")リリースし、Ozzfest Japan 2013への出演やアジア・ツアーを実現させる。10月には初の渋谷公会堂公演を行ない見事ソールドアウト。翌年その渋谷公会堂公演を収録した映像作品"RELIVING THE IRONHEARTED FLAG"をリリースし、7月には初のヨーロッパ・ツアーを敢行。ドイツ、フランス、スペインの3ヶ国で合計2,000人を動員し、その魅力がワールドワイド・レベルに達している事を証明した。その勢いをもって9月には9thアルバム"VETELGYUS"をリリース。その発売記念に行なわれた全国ツアー"THE VOYAGE TO THE BOUNDLESS UNIVERSE"のファイナルでは再び渋谷公会堂公演に挑み、またもやソールドアウトを果たす(この模様は翌年リリースされた映像作品"ATTITUDE TO LIVE"に収録)。12月には日テレ系アニメ「曇天に笑う」のエンディング・テーマに起用された"ATTITUDE TO LIFE"をシングル・カット。2015年には「バンド史上初の組曲アルバム」というコンセプトの下、10thアルバム"UNDER THE FORCE OF COURAGE"の制作をスタート。アルバム完成直後にLOUD PARK 15に参戦し満員のオーディエンスを興奮の坩堝に叩き込む。その後アジア公演も含む"THE TIME BEFORE DAWN"ツアーを経て、12月に"UNDER THE FORCE OF COURAGE"をリリース。
圧倒的な構築美とドラマ性で過去最大級の評価を受けた本作を携えたツアー"JUST PRAY TO THE SKY"では全国で見事なパフォーマンスを展開。
2016年9月には、その圧巻のステージを収録した映像作品"THE SENSE OF OUR LIVES"を発表。11月には新ドラマーにFUMIYAを迎え入れた新編成による初ツアー"UNBREAKABLE"を開催し、海外(メキシコ)公演でも熱狂的に迎え入れられる。

 2017年にはワーナーミュージック・ジャパンに移籍し"ULTIMATE SACRIFICE"を9月にリリース。前作"UNDER THE FORCE OF COURAGE"の「その後の世界」を描いた組曲アルバム第二弾である本作は前作を凌駕する評価とチャート・アクションを記録し、その勢いをもって全国ツアー"JUST PRAY TO THE SKY Chapter II"を開催。ツアー最終公演である豊洲PIT公演を収録したライブDVD/BD"JUST PLAY TO THE SKY ~WHAT COULD WE DO FOR YOU...?"を2018年4月にリリース。その発売記念として行われた"PLAY TO THE FORTHCOMING FUTURE" TOUR 2018では新旧の名曲を織り交ぜた圧倒的ヴォリュームのライブを全国で繰り広げる。

 2018年10月からは"GALNERYUS 15th Anniversary ~Radiance~"を掲げ、その活動を活性化。2019年2月にEX THEATER ROPPONGIで開催したスペシャル公演"The Notes Of Our Glory"やProgPower USA 2019への出演を経て、最新アルバム"INTO THE PURGATORY"を2019年10月にリリース。
アルバム発売と同日に全国ツアー"WAILING IN THE FLAMES OF PURGATORY"もスタートさせ、百戦錬磨のパフォーマンスで全国のファンを魅了した。
(ファイナルの新木場STUDIO COAST公演を収録したライブ作品"FALLING INTO THE FLAMES OF PURGATORY"は今年10月リリース決定)



SYU (guitar) originally formed GALNERYUS, and activities were mainly in Kansai region of Japan.
In 2001, GALNERYUS made a fateful encounter with the producer, Yorimasa Hisatake.
In the next year, their debut single, "REBEL FLAG" was released through the independent label, IRON SHOCK.
In 2003, YUHKI (keyboard) joined and the band became more stabilized and well-organized.
In the same year, the first and the major debut album, "THE FLAG OF PUNISHMENT" was released through VAP, a record label.
The quality which GALNERYUS demonstrated in this album was way beyond what was expected from that of a newcomer.
In 2005, the second album, "ADVANCE TO THE FALL" was released, and the next year, GALNERYUS released the third album, "BEYOND THE END OF DESPAIR...", and also their first DVDs, "LIVE FOR REBIRTH".
The quality of performance they showed in this DVDs is not just as the reproduction of studio recorded sound, but highly energetic live performances as well.
In 2007, the fourth album, "ONE FOR ALL-ALL FOR ONE" was released.
In 2008, the second DVDs, "LIVE FOR ALL-LIVE FOR ONE" and the mini-album, "ALSATIA/CAUSE DISARRAY" and the fifth album, "REINCARNATION" were released.
In 2009, two "best of" albums, "BEST OF THE BRAVING DAYS" and "BEST OF THE AWAKENING DAYS" were released which was not too much to say as the complication of GALNERYUS so far.

In 2010, the sixth album, "RESURRECTION" was released.
This album was the first album after Masatoshi "SHO" Ono, a vocalist with the career as a Million Seller and TAKA (bass) joined the band.
From this album, the song called, "A FAR-OFF DISTANCE" was used as the ending theme for anime series in NTV chain, "Rainbow -Nisha rokubo no Shichinin-".
In addition of the popularity due to this, tremendously high quality of their music renowned excellence of the new line-up.
The tours around Japan took place commemorating the release and the final performance at SHIBUYA AX was recorded and released as the third DVDs, "LIVE IN THE MOMENT OF THE RESURRECTION".
With gaining vigor, the seventh album, "PHOENIX RISING" was released in 2011.
In 2012, the mini-album, "Kizuna" and the fourth DVDs, "PHOENIX LIVING IN THE RISING SUN" was released.
In that mini-album, the title track, "Kizuna" was used as a theme of pachinko game, "Pachinko CR Fist of the Blue Sky".
In July of the same year, a new single, "HUNTING FOR YOUR DREAM", used as an ending theme for an anime series in NTV chain, "HUNTER × HUNTER".
Under the circumstance that the degree of attention paid to the band had been strongly encouraged,
their long-awaited eighth album, "ANGEL OF SALVATION" was released, and that caused their popularity expanded even more.
The sales of this album reached the ninth position in Oricon daily chart.
And, the sales recorded one of the top class among all Japanese hard rock and heavy metal groups playing in recent years.

In the year of 2013, a wide variety of activities was held under the name "MAJOR DEBUT 10th anniversary".
Two self-cover albums re-recorded the songs from the past lineups era, ("Vol.1: THE REGENERATION SIDE", "Vol.2: REFORMATION SIDE") were released.
Performed at Ozzfest Japan 2013, and achieved to perform in Asia.
The concert held in October at Shibuya Public Hall, for their first time, was sold out excellently.
The concert at Shibuya Public Hall was filmed in "RELIVING THE IRONHEARTED FLAG", released in 2014.
GALNERYUS ventured out their first European tour in July of the same year.
They drew audiences totaling 2,000 people in three countries: Germany, France, and Spain.
They proved that their attraction has reached worldwide level.
Without losing their momentum, they released the ninth studio album, "VETELGYUS".
As a sale commemoration, a large-scale tour, "THE VOYAGE TO THE BOUNDLESS UNIVERSE" was held.
The final day of the tour, held at Shibuya Public Hall was sold out again (recorded in a video work "ATTITUDE TO LIVE" which was released in 2015).
On December, "ATTITUDE TO LIFE" was sold as single cut by single CD due to the promotion of the song to an ending theme for an anime series in NTV chain, "Donten ni Warau (Laughing Under the Clouds)".

In 2015, the band started to create their first suit album in their history, "UNDER THE FORCE OF COURAGE".
Just after the completion of the album, they performed at "LOUD PARK 15" and threw the whole house into a state of feverish excitement.
After the band carried out the tour, "THE TIME BEFORE DAWN" which includes the concerts in Shanghai, HongKong, and Taiwan, "UNDER THE FORCE OF COURAGE" was finally released in December of the same year.
Because of the excellence and the beauty of how the songs are composed and dramatized, the album received the highest evaluation ever and, "JUST PRAY TO THE SKY" tour was held.
The concept of the tour was reproducing the world view of the album completely at the live concert and the band performed excellently throughout the tour. In September 2016, a new video work, "THE SENSE OF OUR LIVES" was released. In November, a new drummer, FUMIYA joined the band and a new national tour, "UNBREAKABLE" was held. The new line-up of the band was greeted enthusiastically through out the tour including the concert in Mexico.

In 2017, GALNERYUS moved from VAP to Warner Music Japan and released a long-awaited new album, "ULTIMATE SACRIFICE" in September.
This album is the second suite album which drew "the world after" the previous work, "UNDER THE FORCE OF COURAGE" and recorded an evaluation and sales surpassed the previous work. Taking advantage of that circumstance, a Japan tour, "JUST PRAY TO THE SKY Chapter II" was held.
In April 2018, a new video work, "JUST PLAY TO THE SKY -WHAT COULD WE DO FOR YOU...?" was released.
On this video work, the final concert of that tour held at Toyosu PIT was recorded.
As the commemoration of the release, a Japan tour, "PLAY TO THE FORTHCOMING FUTURE" TOUR 2018 was held.
In that tour, they performed the overwhelming volume that interlaced old and new famous tunes.

From October 2018, the "GALNERYUS 15th Anniversary ~Radiance~" project was raised and GALNERYUS dynamized their activities.
A special performance, "The Notes Of Our Glory" was held at EX THEATER ROPPONGI in February 2019.
After they appeared in ProgPower USA 2019, they released their latest album, "INTO THE PURGATORY" in October 2019.
A Japan tour, "WAILING IN THE FLAMES OF PURGATORY" was also started on the same of the release date(the final concert of that tour held at Shinkiba STUDIO COAST was recorded on new video work,
"FALLING INTO THE FLAMES OF PURGATORY" which will be released this October) .

And now, GLANERYUS had welcomed LEA as a new drummer to make further progress.
The first stage of a new GALNERYUS will be distributed through the internet this October.
Don't miss a valiant figure and an outstanding performance of new GALNERYUS!